
GRP laminate design and engineering

Need Corrosion Free Containment

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Industrial applications for GRP

GRP and FRP tanks or containers have applications across various industrial sectors, including oil & gas, water & waste treatment, dairy, food & beverages and chemical handling.

Glass-reinforced plastic tanks are now used to hold products as diverse as sodium hydroxide and baby lotion!

Its low maintenance requirement can make fibreglass a ‘fit and forget’ alternative to traditional, more costly materials.

Pressure vessels

Fibreglass composite is often the material of choice for all pressure applications, being more durable, lightweight and possessing excellent corrosion resistance. Designed and constructed to BS4994:1987 and BS6464:1984.

All pressure vessels manufactured by stuart:pease are manufactured to have an extended service life.  For bespoke projects, our technical department will be happy to advise on designing and producing larger composite tanks with non-standard or flanged connections and higher operating temperatures of up to 130 degrees Centigrade.

HazMat and chemical containment

stuart:pease manufactures a variety of GRP storage tanks with capacities from 100 to 150,000 litres, many of which are widely used for chemical storage.

Hazardous Material GRP tanks are manufactured with liners appropriate to the content, including; Straight GRP backed up with resistant vinylester resins; PP, UPVC, CPVC, HDPE, PVDF and ECTFE.

GRP Cabinets

The non-conductive nature of Glass Reinforced Plastic makes it ideal for power cabinets and electrical enclosures, including meter boxes or switch housings.

Bulk storage tanks and silos

stuart:pease is a leading manufacturer of GRP silos and tanks. Glass Reinforced Plastic is an excellent, low-cost, low weight and maintenance-free alternative to aluminium or stainless steel, with material characteristics that make it ideal for storing a wide range of bulk powders and liquids, including potable water.

Find out more about transport & on-site installation
or read more on Industrial GRP applications, tanks & pressure vessels.
