
GRP laminate design and engineering

Fibreglass in the leisure industry

GRP Consultancy | Complex Designs | Advanced Engineering | Fast Delivery

Fibreglass applications for the UK’s leisure industry

GRP is such a flexible material with so many varied qualities that the only real limit to its application is imagination!

And nowhere is imagination easier to find than in the leisure sector! From quirky fairground rides to fantasy worlds and major theme parks, fibreglass offers their designers a free hand to be creative.

Rollercoaster vehicles

A mainstay of stuart:pease manufacturing output for the last 30 years, the fabrication of rollercoaster cars (such as the Wallace & Gromit slipper ride for Blackpool Pleasure Beach) and themed fairground rides in GRP continues to be a large part of the business in this sector.

If you have a concept under consideration or on the drawing board, speak to the experts and take advantage of their long experience.

Water rides, pools and aqua parks

A natural extension of fairground vehicles is the manufacture of water borne modules. stuart:pease have designed and built floating pods for several popular water rides and would be delighted to advise on the special considerations that these products demand.

The watertight channels and flumes for these features are usually pre-fabricated as rigid sections for on-site assembly and installation. The same applies to water slides, although pools are more often tank lined with impervious fibreglass on-site to ensure good substrate contact and stability.

Fantasy interior & exterior themes

stuart:pease provide customised concepts for theme attractions and parks, with experience in manufacturing a range of spectacular, fantasy, family and child-friendly interior and outside environments… including the illustration from Legoland, shown here.

There is no idea is too outrageous or ‘off-the-wall’ to be moulded, tooled and fabricated in GRP laminate. See the stuart:pease bespoke product design service.

Read More: Leisure and entertainment GRP/mouldings.

View more examples of our work.
