
GRP laminate design and engineering

We Need Low Environmental Impact!

GRP Consultancy | Complex Designs | Advanced Engineering | Fast Delivery

GRP & Sustainable Technologies

Glass or carbon fibres are used as a matrix within a resin to create materials with unparalleled strength-to-weight ratios.

The lower volume of raw materials used, the reduction in mechanical handling and much lighter payloads on shipping all combine to minimise the environmental impact of the manufacturing process.

Despite some of the raw materials being petrochemically derived, the replacement of much heavier, eco negative materials, including aluminium, steel and concrete, more than offsets the resultant carbon footprint. For more detail, see the environmental policy statement.

Rainwater harvesting and storage

Rainwater Harvesting is the process of capturing rainwater in a holding tank from a roof area and re-using it for household and commercial grey-water applications such as garden irrigation, flushing toilets, vehicle washing etc.

stuart:pease specialise in the design and manufacture of GRP cold water storage tanks for both rainwater and potable supplies. Sectional water tanks are fabricated in panels… delivered and assembled on site, but the flexibility of GRP means that these storage vessels can also be produced in finished, moulded, form.

Ground source heating systems

All corrosion resistant pressurised elements and the super insulated storage tanks required by this highly efficient green energy technology can be fabricated in zero-maintenance fibreglass composites by stuart:pease.

Wind energy generation

GRP and fibreglass laminates are used extensively in the manufacture of rotor blades, nacelles and tower structures for small to medium sized (1 – 10 Kw) wind generators.

The complex shapes involved in generator blades and shrouds makes GRP or laminate composites the most cost effective material options. The stuart:pease technical design, manufacturing and installation teams would be happy to provide advice, guidance and cost quotation on their production.

Visit the product design & development page for more information and a breakdown of the process.

Sustainable pattern making and moulding

The manufacturing process inevitably requires the production of a timber pattern (or plug) from which, in turn, a fibreglass mould (or tool) is produced. All timber and sheet materials used by stuart:pease for pattern work and GRP tooling is secured from sustainable sources.

Removal and recycling of GRP

The dismantling or demolition of a GRP structure is just as simple and straightforward as the installation process, with many fewer potential health risks associated with other materials.

The resulting waste is then mulched to reduce volume and minimise its bio-degrade time in preparation for burial.

Read More on Sustainable technology uses of (GRP) Glass Reinforced Plastic/fibreglass, or contact Stuart Pease on 01709 527761.
